Sunday, November 22, 2009

Some stuff...

I like this girl.

We've had a spot of rain.

Cork is currently under water along with UCC. That meant lots of drinking on Thursday night, in the dark, in my friend's apartment, in a foot of water.

Also means I have a whole week off to spend in Galway to try and salvage the remains of my relationship. Do or or never...make it or break it...


BigMentalDisease said...

Castlewhite.. my old home!

Cheryl said...

A spot of rain!! Well, at least it gives you a week off to work on your relationship. Good luck, may you receive the best of all possible outcomes.

Audrey said...

BMD, no way!

And thanks Cheryl. It's all good now anyway, there was just a big break down in communication which has now been fixed!

I am not the ninja you were looking for said...

I'm a bit concerned that the drinking and water may have come back to haunt you. Send smoke signals if you survived!